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What We Believe

Sandy Creek Baptist Church affirms the inerrancy of Christian Scriptures, the virgin birth,  all-sufficient atonement, bodily resurrection, and Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

For a more detailed explanation of what we believe, check out the Southern Baptist Convention’s 2000 Baptist Faith & Message.

Sandy Creek Baptist Church exists for this purpose and mission:  to Know Christ personally, Grow in Christ communally, Serve Christ wholly and Go for Christ globally. (Ephesians 4:12-13; Acts 2:37-47)

KNOW Christ Personally (Matthew 22:37; Acts 2:38, 40-41; Ephesians 2:8-9; Philippians 3:7-11)

We believe that the chief end of man is to know Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. We believe that true knowledge of Christ is only found in saving faith through a personal relationship with Jesus. We believe that this is nothing that can be earned through human effort but can only be obtained as a grace gift of God. We believe that this personal knowledge of Christ is built upon through an intentional, intimate, and daily walk with Christ. We believe that fostering this relationship every day is commanded by Scripture and is of the utmost importance for every follower of Christ.

GROW in Christ Communally (Acts 2:42-44a, 46; Ephesians 4:11-16; Hebrews 5:13-6:2)

We believe that although faith is personal, it is not private. We believe that every believer will live their faith out to the fullest only within a local community of believers, known as the church. We believe that Scripture is clear that the church is established by Christ and is to be the primary way in which believers live as a community and grow closer to one another and closer to Christ. We believe that discipleship is essential to every believer as it is the process of one’s sanctification. We believe that discipleship is the responsibility of the church to one another and to their community and that true discipleship can only be experienced within the context of the church.

SERVE Christ Wholly (Matthew 22:39; Acts 2:44b-45; Romans 12:1-2; Philippians 2:1-4)

We believe that followers of Christ are to love their neighbor as themselves as Scripture commands and that this is one way in which a person loves God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. We believe that good neighbor love is expressed through a lifestyle of humble service towards one another. We believe that serving others is, ultimately, one’s way of serving Jesus Christ. We believe that followers of Christ are to serve in every area of life, with our entire bodies, and that service is best done as the entire body of Christ.

GO for Christ Globally (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:39, 47; Romans 10:13-15)

We believe that the ultimate goal is every tribe, every tongue, and every nation worshipping Jesus Christ as Lord. We believe that every believer is commanded, not called, to make disciples of all nations, as per the Great Commission of Matthew 28. We believe that every disciple is a disciple-maker and that every Christian is a missionary wherever they live. We believe that the commission to make disciples does not just extend to the end of the street or to our own zip code, but it includes a mandate to share the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. We believe that what compels us to do so is the same love for God and love for neighbor that drives the rest of our mission.